Shop Certified Christian Owned / Friendly Businesses

Christian Consumer Certified Directory

Upholding conservative Christian values in the marketplace while promoting fairness, cooperation, and freedom from religious discrimination.

The businesses in this directory have testified that they operate in accordance Christian Consumer Certified values.

 Company Website City State Industry Sector Description
Wright Farm Coffee Roasterswrightfarmcoffeeroasters.comLaceys SpringAlabamaConsumer GoodsFood & Drink

We are a coffee roasting business with a Christ-first focus. We specialize

Working Joes Coffeeworkingjoescoffee.comCrestlineOhioRestaurant / Food ServiceFood & Drink

We provide freshly roasted coffee delivered to you at peak freshness. Because

The Stover Brothersthestoverbrothers.comTiffinOhioConsumer GoodsPersonal Care / Wellness

Hi, we are The Stover Brothers from the great state of Ohio.

The GOAT Farm LLCthegoatfarmskincare.comLinevilleAlabamaConsumer GoodsPersonal Care / Wellness

Welcome to The GOAT Farm. We're a small family-owned goat farm in

Rhema Agencyrhemaagency.comVancouverWashingtonAdvertising / Public RelationsBusiness Services

Marketing for the censored organization. We believe in creative strategy to see

Rachel Elizabeth Digital Marketingrelizabeth.comCharlestonSouth CarolinaMarketingMarketing

A Digital Marketing company that values Christ above all, freedom of speech,

Red BAG Mediaredbagmedia.comSkippackPennsylvaniaTechnologyIT / Web Design

Web and graphic design and video production in the Philadelphia region.

Mission Strengthmissionstrengthgym.comMoscowIdahoOtherPersonal Care / Wellness

I am a gym that runs group classes. We focus on functional

Malina New York LLCmalinanewyork.comGreen BrookNew JerseyConsumer GoodsPersonal Care / Wellness

Organic natural skincare formulated with the most efficacious botanicals & without the

Fries Keyboard Works LLCfrieskeyboardworks.comWood DaleIllinoisSkilled LaborMusic

Fries Keyboard Works LLC provides acoustic and digital piano and organ sales

Fischarper, LLCfischarper.comFort MyersFloridaArts / Entertainment / PublishingBusiness Services

Fischarper, LLC offers sheet music arrangements, live & recorded music, and private

DH CPA, PLLCdhcpapllc.comNorthern VAVirginiaAccounting / FinanceBusiness Services

Tax preparation and practical accounting. I especially focus on small businesses and

ChristianYellowPages®christianyellowpages.comModestoCaliforniaAdvertising / Public RelationsMarketing

Christian Yellow Pages® A Premier Faith-Driven Resource for Finding local Christian Businesses,

Werkz LLCwerkz.comPotlatchIdahoManufacturing / OperationsWearables / Accessories

Dark times call for light bearing holsters. Werkz LLC designs and manufactures

Venue 1848venue1848.comAppomattoxVirginiaHospitality / TravelEvents / Weddings

Venue 1848 is the best little venue in Virginia and the perfect

The Deal Firmthedealfirm.comCaryNorth CarolinaBusiness OpportunityBusiness Services

A client centered, service driven business brokerage firm that has streamlined the

Seeds for Generationsseedsforgenerations.comNewportVirginiaConsumer GoodsAgriculture / Garden

Heirloom organic seeds for your backyard garden, from our family to yours.

Preppers Stockpilepreppersstockpile.comSt. PaulMinnesotaConsumer GoodsFood & Drink

Easy and affordable emergency food supply building.

North Creek Paracordnorthcreekparacord.comHubbard LakeMichiganConsumer GoodsWearables / Accessories

North Creek Paracord sells handcrafted, American-made paracord goods for hunting, hiking, and

Logan May Marketingloganmaymarketing.comDallasTexasMarketing

Logan May Marketing is dedicated to elevating small businesses through a comprehensive

Leader Education & Development (LEAD) LLCleadereducation.llcLouisvilleKentuckyEducation / TrainingBusiness Services

We are a Christian faith-based organization that provides educational products & services

Femallayfemallay.comWarrentonVirginiaConsumer GoodsPersonal Care / Wellness

Toxin-free and organic feminine products to enhance your wellbeing, naturally.

Edge Webwareedgewebware.comMiamisburgOhioTechnologyIT / Web Design

A team of passionate professionals dedicated to helping you solve your business

Conners Clinicconnersclinic.comLake ElmoMinnesotaHealthcarePersonal Care / Wellness

#1 Trusted Natural Cancer Coaching Center

110 Marketing110marketing.comSt. PaulMinnesotaMarketingBusiness Services

A digital marketing agency that works with small businesses across the country

 Company Website City State Industry Sector Description